
What kinds of counseling does Thrive offer?


\I'm not sure what is happening in your life to bring you to this page. I'm glad you are here because it means some part of you realizes your life doesn't have to be like it is now. You are right. Many people feel ashamed or helpless when they decide to contact a therapist. Please know that I (and basically all therapists) have a very different view on what you are doing. I think it takes guts to be honest enough to tell yourself that you need to change. I think it takes guts to reach out to someone for feedback, support, and advice.


Therapy is teamwork. It is a meeting of the minds. Though I know a lot about mental health, no one knows more about you than you do. Therapy works best when we are our most honest, caring, and compassionate. I think my piece of the work is to give you good feedback, to ask questions to help you think about your situation from different perspectives, and to teach you good coping skills. I think your piece of the work is showing up, being honest, and following through with our good ideas outside of session.During our work together, you may address some of the following issues:

Anxiety Disorders
Adjustment Disorders
Post Traumatic Stress (i.e. combat, sexual abuse)
Communication Skills
Stress Management
Anger Management
Workplace Issues
Grief & Loss
Life Transitions
Relationship Conflicts
Sexual Issues
Spiritual Growth
Overall Wellness