Life Skills/Coaching:

  • Building confidence and self-worth
  • Facing fears and achieving your goals
  • Improving relationships
  • Assertiveness skills and dealing with conflict
  • Stress management skills
  • Career and vocational guidance 
  • Self-care strategies
  • Parent skills training and child behaviour
  • Improving productivity and work performance

In the era of increasing technological development and fast-paced living, individuals are under more pressure than ever to be the best at everything. Individuals need strategies on how to prepare for school, yearly exams, CXC's, SATs, managing their study time, utilizing their strategies during day to day life, and evaluate what works and does not work for successful living. Working with a Thrive professional will help the individual discover the most efficient and effective ways for him or her to approach different  success (e.g. improving their productivity and efficiency, managing stressful transitions, increasing their rate of achievement and redefine personal success, managing anxiety and challenges, etc ).

Anxiety affects more than one third of all individuals, and has been found to worsen performance and affect self-esteem. Good preparation skills and anxiety-management strategies can help reduce performance anxiety. Working with a Thrive professional will help empower students to use self-calming strategies, silence the worry thoughts, and promote positive and realistic thinking about success. Ongoing consultation will allow for individuals  to learn more strategies to reaching their peak of success and achievement, while managing their stress and anxiety and maintaining positive relationships.

Adult Coaching

Success 2.0

You will create a personal road map for building a fulfilling career, cultivating passionate love, sculpting a fit body, managing finances responsibly, building rewarding relationships, or for taking on any other goal in your life. This course is a deep, comprehensive and productive examination of your life and what needs to change in order for you to live the life you desire.

You will tackle:

  • Overcoming the web of excuses, bad logic and personality traits that entangle you
  • Understanding the patterns that repeat throughout your life and what lessons you need to learn to free yourself from the cycle
  • Designing your life’s mission and a plan for how to get there

You will leave with:

  • Powerful tools for creating a future of your own design
  • An understanding of where you want to go, and how to get there
  • A renewed excitement about your life and a strong sense of purpose
Inspired Leadership

Together we will clarify the characteristics and habits of a leader and inspire action in accordance. We will work on dissolving your fears about being a leader and on developing your communication and presentation skills. You will get to connect with like-minded people and become energized from pursuing your highest goals. Come conquer your fears, because if not you, then who?

In this workshop you will:

  • Get connected with your highest goals
  • Work on dissolving your fears surrounding leading
  • Identify and embrace your strengths as a leader
  • Learn the best ways to inspire other people to action
  • Train to speak powerfully as a leader
  • Connect and work with similarly motivated people
  • Get direct feedback on your leadership and communication skills
Moving Forward
How we interpret or connect the dots among all our experiences leads us to where we are in life right now. In Unraveling Your Personal History, we explore your memories and experiences to discover clues that reveal your true mission in life. Each individual has a mission to carry out in life; however, inaccuracies and misinterpretations of our life’s events create “default missions” which dramatically reduce what is possible in our lives. We can open ourselves up to a much wider scope of what is possible by reviewing and reconnecting the dots in a process called Unraveling.

This direct and challenging experiential workshop teaches you how to do a deep and personal Unraveling, which leads you to important revelations, changes how you relate to your life, and empowers you to move toward getting what you want. This course is an intense exploration of your life, if you are willing to look steadily within.