Showing Tag: "psychologist" (Show all posts)

Does my Child Need Counseling?

Posted by Susaye Rattigan on Friday, December 24, 2010, In : Q & A 
Q: Several people have told me that my son needs psychological counseling. How do I know whether my child really does needs therapy?

A: Listen to what others are telling you about your son. Teachers, caregivers or other parents may be able to see something in your son's behavior compared with other children in the same age group. Children cannot always tell us in words what they need or even that something is wrong. They tell us in the way they behave, so we, as parents, teachers, or ...
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Additional Information and FAQs

Posted by Susaye Rattigan on Friday, December 24, 2010,

What is a psychologist? 
A psychologist studies how we think, feel, and behave from a scientific viewpoint and applies this knowledge to help people understand, explain, and change their behaviour.

Where do psychologists work?
Some psychologists work primarily as researchers and faculty at universities and at governmental, and non-governmental organizations. Others work primarily as practitioners in hospitals, schools, clinics, correctional facilities, employee assistanc...

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