Is it a Learning Problem?

Posted by Susaye Rattigan on Friday, December 24, 2010 Under: Q & A
Q: My 11-year-old son is a little slow understanding things. When he reads, he doesn't seem to understand what he read. I am now concerned that he may have a learning disability. Where can I get more information or what should I do?

A: Learning disability is a specific diagnosis that requires specialized testing by a qualified psychologist or diagnostician. It is a good idea to start with his school personnel. Talk with his teacher and ask her for an opinion of his learning skills. If he believes there is an indication that there is a potential problem, the school can help. Ask them to test your son. If they don't believe there is a problem, you can still have the testing done yourself. You can gain more information on Learning Disabilities from the library or online. Some of the sites you may want to access are Learning Disabilities Online (, Learning Disabilities Association of America (, National Center for Learning Disabilities (, and the National Institute of Mental Health ( Get as much information as possible so you can advocate for your son to get the help he needs.

In : Q & A 

Tags: learning problem testing 


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