Anger in Parenting

Posted by Susaye Rattigan on Friday, December 24, 2010 Under: Q & A

Q: Last night I really lost it with my 10-year-old son and was quite mean. I have been feeling terrible all day and can't stop thinking about how I should know better. I'm supposed to be the adult and not let him get to me that way. What is wrong with me, and what should I do?

A: Give yourself a break. Nothing is wrong with you. You are human. Kids are experts at pushing their parent's buttons. The guilt you are feeling is an uncomfortable but a potentially beneficial feeling. There are several things you can do. The first is to apologize to your son for your inappropriate behavior. This allows you to maintain some sense of dignity and shows your son that you respect him the same way you want him to respect you. We tend to react more when we are under stress. Look at ways to reduce your stress during the day. Parenting classes and books can offer suggestions that will help. In a calm moment for both of you, set up a code word you both can use when one starts to lose it. When either of you says the code word, you both take a time-out from each other. After the time-out, calmly discuss the situation with your son. It will be much easier without interference of the emotions

In : Q & A 

Tags: anger 


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